About Ialibu/Pangia Electorate
General Information
District headquarters: Ialibu
Number of LLGs: 4 - East Pangia Rural, Ialibu
Urban, Kewabi Rural, South Wiru Rural
Number of wards: 105

Total 50799 (males = 51.1% & females = 48.9%).
Less than 15 years = 19265 (males =  52.7% & females = 47.3%).
Between 15-64 years = 30257 (males = 49.7% &  females = 50.3%).
More than 65 years = 1277 (males = 60.6% & females = 39.4%).
Citizen households = 9513

Area and population density
Area (km²) = 2412
Occupied area (km²) = 1104
Population per km² = 21.1
Population per km² of occupied area = 46.0

Electoral statistics
Eligible voters (2000 Census) = 27968
Number of votes cast (2002) = 54247
Number of votes cast (2007) = 43740

Ialibu Pangia District borders both Simbu and Western
Highlands Province. It covers the Kaugel, Poru and Tua Valleys
and the Poru Plateau. Mount Ialibu lies in the centre of the

The district member is Mr. Peter O’Neil, a member of the
People’s National Congress Party and the Minister for Public
Services. This is his second term. The previous member was Mr. Roy Yaki.

The Iaro, Andawe and Kaugel Valleys are all potentially good
agricultural areas for a range of crops, despite colder
temperatures, while the plateau has poorer potential because of
steep slopes and weather conditions. Moderate incomes can be
earned from coffee, fresh food and cattle, however, incomes
are low in most of the district.


Type and number of schools
Elementary = 87
Community = 4
Primary = 21
Provincial high school = 1
Vocational = 2

Universal basic education

Net admission rate = 24.5%b
Gross enrolment rate = 109.9%b
Net enrolment rate = 82.4%b

Literacy rate
Total     Male (%)     Female (%)
45.7     51.5             39.8


Number and population per officer
Medical officers 1 and caters for 50799 people.
Nursing officers 34 and cater for 1494 by each officer.

Number and population per facility
Health centres 5 which cater for 10160 people each.
Aid posts 16 which cater for 3175 people each

Road access
A road runs from the Highlands
Highway to Ialibu and continues to
the neighbouring Kagua Erave
District, giving people reasonable
access to the major service
centres of Mount Hagen and
Mendi. There are also some roads
in the Poru Basin.

Economic Activity

Top agricultural activities of citizen households
Food crops 80.7 7.2
Livestock 65.4 6.1
Coffee 63.0 58.3
Poultry 14.7 7.5
Betel nut 2.8 0.8
*of total citizen households
Road access
A road runs from the Highlands
Highway to Ialibu and continues to
the neighbouring Kagua Erave
District, giving people reasonable
access to the major service
centres of Mount Hagen and
Mendi. There are also some roads
in the Poru Basin.