Koare Rural Development Association

Dear Koare Konda Kids,
I have just returned from home, Koare and I am back in the Middle East.  Thank God I got over from a sickness where I admitted to Waikato hospital in New Zealand.
Here are my views about the proposed "Koare Rural Development Association" which Percy Rame from Cairns city, Australia has also commented with some good ideas.  Thank you Percy for all that you have written.  It just needs energy and abit of time to think and contribute just like we have been sending e-mails and written letters to our loved ones.  Writing something and putting ideas to contribute for common good is a great way to start.  Here are some ideas I wish to bring across to you all:
1.  During my recent visit to PNG, I have discovered that there are two associations which are already in place in the name of Koare people.  One is "Koare/Tindua Road Development Association" which was formed by Mr. Wayne Fair (USA missionary) with the support of Lopape and others some years back.  The second is the most recently formed one called "Mt Keresa Landowners' Association" and it comes under the leadership of Mr. John Bewa from Porora village.  However, so far these two associations have no driving force and the will-power to push their intended aspirations and dreams fulfilled.  The aims and objectives they stated have not been achieved to date though the Koare/Tindua Road has taken off to some stage using shovels and digging sticks but is left idle due to no support from the relevant authorities.  May be the second association might fall into the same trap of being left idle, only time will tell.
2.  The "Koare Rural Development Association"; however, will be an umbrella institution that will attempt to consolidate the above two associations as well as incorporate other development areas such as education, health, agriculture, commerce (rural micro-finance) among other development issues facing Koare at the moment.  Unlike the above two associations which were intended to be controlled by a handful of individuals with their vested interests with no regard for the entire rural population (though with good intentions), the KRDA will be for all Koare people and that means everyone will have a say and contribute starting from the initial stages of development and formation.  Hence, just like what Percy has done please contribute ideas and I will collate all ideas contributed and come up with the association framework.  Other vital information such as the constitution, mission statement, aims and objectives will be developed and posted on the website for you to read and make comments.  In so doing, it will become a collective endeavor  as opposed to individual work for some hidden reason.
3.  My idea of working closely with the Koare Local Level Government is vital and beneficial in so many ways.  Firstly, I see that the councillors are very active in so many ways in terms of trying their best to bringing services to the people in the villages.  Secondly, Koare LLG is another government institution which has the right to negotiate with the relevant government authorities for service delivery and funding. Thirdly, the Koare LLG typically represents all the people in Koare; hence, I see that through them the entire Koare populace will be reasonably respresented which is what we want to achieve through an inclusion and taking an ownership process.  Every koare kid must know that this institution is for them, by them and done for a common good and not for one's self interest of some kind.  The times of gread, selfishness, mi namba wan, mi tasol and it's about me and not them attitude needs to change but rather promote the language of us, we, all of us, ours, our homeland, our land, our families and our responsibility and thus take full ownership of everything we do and achieve.  That's a more democratic and equitable approach to take if we are serious about working for everyone in Koare.  Trust me we do have the ability and drive to make this happen one day, some day and soon.
4.  In the next few weeks I will come up with the association framework with the support of one very intelligent product of Koare; Tony Kondo from Riwi/Karanas village, Ialibu District.  He is there on the ground in Port Moresby to make this work happen and I am so greatful for having him on board to make this happen.  Uncle Tony, thank you for being part of this drive and we all Koares trust that this will happen soon for the benefit for your bubus, uncles and cousins in this remote location.
5.  On the sad note, it's heart breaking coming from Koare and seeing skycrapers, sealed super highways, fast moving trains and cars in this part of the world.  When I look back my people live in complete poverty, cannot even afford K2.00  or a soap or towel, it just makes me cry.  This world is an unequal and greedy world.  Despite, Koare Konda Kids one day we can make a difference rather then promoting self interests.
Thank you and hope to hear from you Koare Konda Kids soon.
John Rombo
Middle East
End of this article